Moco Leagues

District Soccer’s COED leagues offer a fun, inclusive environment where players of all skill levels can connect, compete, and enjoy the game together. Join a league and be part of the action!

League Registration

Join a District Soccer league today to stay active, have fun, and connect with a community that shares your passion for the game!


Want to stay up to date on league options, special events, and future plans? Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media!

League HQ

District Soccer resources for answers, support, and guidance on all things related to your soccer league experience.

District Soccer - Mens+ Womens+ -22

Our FAQs provide quick answers to common questions, helping you find the information you need about leagues, registration, schedules, and more.

League FAQs

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Our League Rules ensure a fair, safe, and enjoyable experience for all participants, promoting sportsmanship and consistency across all games and leagues.

League Rules

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Our League Policies outline the rules and guidelines to ensure a fair, safe, and enjoyable experience for all players, coaches, and participants.

League Policies

Team Captains

  • Take a look at our list of Upcoming Leagues above and choose the available option that best fits your needs.
  • Registration happens four times a year, and options go fast!
  • You can choose to pay for the whole team up front, or split the cost between your teammates.
  • Log in to your District Sports profile and start inviting players to join your roster.
  • Choose the team you manage from your profile’s dashboard and click the ROSTER button.
  • Once you’re there, all you need is an email address for each player you want to invite.
  • Remember, as team captain, it’s your responsibility to get enough players to cover the team fee!


  • The ONLY way to get signed up for your team is to respond to an invitation sent through our registration system.
  • To get an invitation, contact the captain of your team and have him or her send you one!
  • Open the email with the invite and follow the steps.
  • Invites are single-use. They cannot be forwarded to friends and time out quickly if opened and not completed.
  • Only activate your invite if you’re ready to sign up and pay!
  • 99% of the time, it means your invite has timed out.
  • Try having your team captain send you another one, and make sure to complete it in one sitting!
  • If you still have trouble, send us an email.

Free Agent / I Don’t Have a Team

Check out the information on any program from our Upcoming Leagues page to see if Free Agents are allowed to register directly!

If the league you’re interested in does not allow direct registration, you can sign up for our Free Agent Pool or send us an email and we’ll do our best to place you with a team.

District Sports encourages individuals and teams to compete in ANY program they feel is the best fit for their gender identity or that of their players.

Players who are neither male-identified nor female-identified, trans, genderqueer, non-binary, or any other gender outside the binary are welcome to participate as their authentic selves. Our only hard and fast rule is that cis-gendered men are not allowed to participate in leagues listed as “Women’s.” Please let us know if you have any questions about gender and participation in a program!

Divisions & Play Levels

D1 – Players and teams looking to compete at a high level of play. A good fit for players who have competed in college, in high-level amateur leagues, and others who play at an equivalent or higher level.

D2 – Players and teams who have developed skills and plenty of soccer experience. A good fit for ex-high school, ex-travel soccer, and others who are confident playing one and two-touch soccer.

D3 - Players and teams who have developed skills and plenty of soccer experience. A good fit for ex-high school, ex-travel soccer, and others who are confident playing one and two-touch soccer.

D4 – Players and teams looking for a more recreational game. A good fit for casual players with a focus on fitness and team play. Not intended for competitive players or ringers, even if you prefer the location!

Open – All types of players and teams are encouraged to register. Skill levels will vary. Open Division options are typically offered at league sites where many choose to play due to the time/location, rather than a designated level of play.