League Rules

Our League Rules ensure a fair, safe, and enjoyable experience for all participants, promoting sportsmanship and consistency across all games and leagues.

All District Soccer matches will be played per the FIFA Laws of the Game. However, we reserve the right to adapt the rules to align with our local competitions.


11s – Two 35-minute halves with a 1-5 minute half time or as required due to adjusted game times per field allocations.

9s- Two 25-minute halves with a 1-5 minute half time or as required due to adjusted game times per field allocations.

7s – Two 25-minute halves with a 1-5 minute half time or as required due to adjusted game times per field allocations.

5s- Two 25-minute halves with a 1-5 minute half time or as required due to adjusted game times per field allocations.



District Soccer unequivocally respects the rights of players to determine and establish their gender identity as it pertains to participation in our leagues; we, as an organization, do not make that call for players or teams.

For organizational purposes, District Soccer has established the rules for our CoEd leagues by classifying players as either male-identified or female-identified. Women are welcome to play in men's leagues. Trans, genderqueer, nonbinary, and all other players who feel like a women's league is appropriate for their participation are welcome.

The following are the maximum amount of players identifying as male or female that may be on the field at any given time for each format.

  • 11s- Teams may have no more than eight (8) players of the same gender on the field at any time.

  • 9s- Teams may not have more than six (6) players of the same gender on the field at any time.

  • 7s – Teams may not have more than five (5) players of the same gender on the field at any time.

  • 5s – Teams may not have more than three (3) players of the same gender on the field at any time.

Teams must be ready to play their game within 10 minutes of the scheduled game time. If a team does not have the following number of players, then they are considered to have forfeited:

  • 11s – 8 players, including at least one rostered player of each gender.
  • 9s – 6 players, including at least one rostered player of each gender.
  • 7s – 4 players, including at least one rostered player of each gender.
  • 5s – 3 players, including at least one rostered player of each gender.

To start a CoEd match, a team must have at least one female-identified player on the field. If no female-identified players can play at the start of the match, that team must forfeit.

Teams may add players if needed to satisfy the coed rule or if they do not have a goalkeeper present. Should teams have enough players that they don't need to forfeit but not enough for a whole team, they may pick up players from another team (provided that player is a registered District Soccer player). If the remaining players from the scheduled team arrive after the game starts, then any players picked up from another team should leave.

Any team that picks up players should not add more players than can play on the field at any given time; the team should not have any substitutes for players of either gender where they have elected to pick up players. Note: this does not apply to goalkeepers.

Generally speaking, teams may make unlimited substitutions with the consent of the referee at the following times:

  • Throw Ins
  • Goal Kicks
  • Goals
  • Injuries - When the referee stops play, a team can substitute for an injured player. The opposing team is then allowed to substitute a single player.
  • Yellow Card – The referee may call for an immediate substitution of a carded player. The carded player will remain on the sideline until the referee determines that they may re-enter the game.

For 5s & and 7s, field player substitutions may be made at any point during gameplay or stoppages (except for free kicks) and do not require referee consent. Players must enter and leave the field from their team's bench. Failure to do so will result in an automatic yellow card. Goalkeeper substitutions may only occur during stoppages in play and with the referee's consent.

Slide tackling is not permitted. A slide tackle is defined as going to the ground in such a way that creates a dangerous situation for an opponent (no matter where on the field or whether performed by an attacking or defending player). Included in sliding is lunging in such a manner that a knee or other body part touches the ground; it also includes unintentionally going to ground while slipping.

Performance of a slide tackle, particularly one that results in dangerous contact with an opponent, may be grounds for a yellow card or worse on the part of the referee.

Referees' discretion is final, and they will award either an indirect or direct free kick depending on the result of the play. Any slide tackles committed in the penalty area will result in an automatic penalty kick.

Players may slide when not creating a dangerous play, i.e., sliding to keep a ball in play. Goalkeepers can slide if attempting to block a shot or make a save. Some incidental contact with an attacking player may be allowed if the goalkeeper plays the ball. They are not allowed to slide to tackle an opposing player.

  • 11s – 10 yards
  • 9s - 10 yards
  • 8s - 8 yards
  • 7s - 8 yards
  • 5s - 5 years
  • Off-sides are always in effect for 11s outdoor games.
  • Off-sides are always in effect for 9s outdoor games.
  • There will be no off-sides in 7s or 5s play.

Athletic plays (i.e., bicycle and scissor kicks) are allowed in the run of play, provided they do not put another player at risk. If an athletic play is performed in proximity to other players, it will be ruled a dangerous play and will result in a foul.

Goalkeepers may punt, throw, or send goal kicks as far as they like across the half-line. Goalkeepers can slide but may be cautioned if they do so aggressively. A goalkeeper can score off a punt or throw. In 5s and 7s, a goalkeeper may not score off a throw.

Yellow Card: Referees can immediately substitute the offending player for at least two (2) minutes.

Red Card: A player receiving a red card (or two yellow cards in the same match) must leave the field premises, sight and sound, without substitution.

**Effective April 2018, District Soccer instituted its Player Pledge and Code of Conduct. District Soccer expects participants to adhere to these guidelines during league activities.**

Discipline: The Team Captain assumes the responsibility regarding team leadership and maintenance of order and discipline. District Soccer expects each Captain to set a positive example for their players in promoting good sportsmanship and self-control. If a player not registered with District Soccer receives a Red Card during a game, the Captain will be asked to serve the player's suspension.

Sideline Control: The Captain is responsible for the behavior of their bench area. After being verbally warned or cautioned (yellow card) by the referee for unsportsmanlike behavior from their bench area, the Captain will receive a red card if the situation persists. The referee also has the power to eject any spectator at any time at their discretion.

If a player receives a red card, they will be asked to sit out at least one game (longer at the discretion of league management). It is the responsibility of captains to ensure that players serve suspensions handed down by referees and District Soccer league admins. 

District Soccer may refuse registration to any player suspended from any Washington DC-area league. District Soccer also reserves the right to suspend players from league play at the League's discretion and cannot be appealed. Registration fees will not be refunded to suspended players.

District Soccer will refer to regular season league standings in determining which teams qualify for playoff rounds. The number of teams qualifying for playoffs may vary based on the number of teams competing in your league, the schedule of any leagues sharing field space with your league, and various other factors. District Soccer reserves the right to end a season and award the championship based on points should circumstances require us to.

  • Leagues with fewer than six teams will be crowned on regular season points or feature a championship match.
  • Leagues with 6-14 teams will have semifinals and a championship.
  • Leagues with 14-18 teams will have quarterfinals, semifinals, and a championship.

Should teams be tied on standings points, the following tie-breakers will be used to determine final regular season seeding:

  1. Goal Differential
  2. Goals Scored
  3. Head-to-Head
  4. Coin Toss

An individual player may not play on two playoff teams in the same league, regardless of whether they registered for both teams; this rule applies to goalkeepers and field players.

To adhere to our permitted field time and effectively manage schedules across our various leagues, game lengths for playoffs are slightly shorter than regular season matches. Extra-time/penalty kicks will follow playoff games that end in draws. The exact format will depend on the league. Generally speaking, District Soccer referees will adhere to the following game lengths:

  • 11s playoff games will be 60 minutes long (30-minute halves)
  • 5s, 7s, and 9s will be 40 minutes long (20-minute halves)

5s & 7s Leagues: Games that end in a draw will be decided by one 5-minute golden–goal overtime, followed by three penalty kicks if necessary.

  • Only players on the field at the end of regulation or overtime will be allowed to participate in a PK shootout.
  • In CoEd games, at least one male-identified and one female-identified player will be required to shoot by the 3rd round of kicks.
  • If the shootout extends beyond five players, at least two male-identified players and two female-identified players must have shot by the 6th round.

9s & 11s Leagues: Games that end in a draw will be decided by one five-minute golden–goal overtime, followed by five penalty kicks if necessary.

  • Only players on the field at the end of regulation or overtime will be allowed to participate in a PK shootout.
  • In CoEd games, at least one player of each gender will be required to shoot by the 3rd round of kicks
  • If the shootout extends beyond five players, at least two male-identified players and two female-identified players must have shot by the 6th round.
  • If the shootout extends beyond six players, at least three male-identified players and three female-identified players must have shot by the 8th round.

District Soccer reserves the right to modify these rules at any time. Questions? Contact District Soccer at info@districtsports.com.


  • Rules regarding allowed goal area and penalty spots will be determined based on facility. Referees will communicate this to teams.


  • Goals may be scored from both the offensive and defensive halves, by any player. Goalkeepers are, however, not allowed to score with their hands by throwing the ball.


  • Indirect kick-ins will be taken whenever the ball has been kicked out of bounds or hits the ceiling. Opponents must give 5 yards of space.
  • Direct Penalty kicks are awarded for fouls that occur within the penalty area. Kicks are taken from the three- point arc. All other restarts are Indirect.
  • Kickoffs after a goal or to start a half are all indirect


  • The goalkeeper is not permitted to use his/her hands when directly receiving a pass from a teammate; if a goalkeeper uses his/her hands, an indirect kick will be awarded to the opposing team.


  • Unlimited Substitutions may be made on the fly without the consent of the referee.


  • Pushing and checking is prohibited. Checking any opposing player into a wall may result in an automatic yellow card and slide-tackling is NOT permitted. Players should limit upper body contact


  • Yellow Card – Referees will immediately substitute player out for a minimum of two (2) minutes.
  • Red Card – A player receiving a red card, or two yellow cards in the same match, must leave the field premises, sight and sound, without substitution.


  • Discipline – The Team Captain assumes the responsibility regarding team leadership and maintenance of order and discipline. District Soccer expects each Captain to set a positive example for their players in promoting good sportsmanship and self- control. If a player not registered with District Soccer receives a Red Card, the Captain will be asked to serve the player's suspension.
  • Sideline Control – The Captain is responsible for the behavior of his/her bench area – including fans. After being verbally warned or cautioned (yellow card) by the referee for unsportsmanlike behavior from his/her bench area, the Captain will receive a red card if the situation persists. The referee also has the power to eject any spectator at any time at his or her discretion.


  • District Soccer reserves the right to suspend players from league play for as long as it chooses without appeal.

District Soccer has a Banned Players list of people who are no longer welcome at all District Soccer matches and events, including DCPL. These players can not be rostered on any DS/DCPL teams or attend any of our social events. Please see the list of Banned Players here.

Questions? Get In touch with us

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